I have received coaching from David for many years – it has transformed the way I think about situations and behave in response to them.
Most significantly, David helped me to start to ‘take action’ to define my own pathway in life as opposed to inaction, waiting for things to happen to me. As a result, I now run my own company that helps me to live out my passions in life.
David asks the challenging questions that you never asked yourself. These often lead to moments of self-realisation, which lead to real actions that can be taken.
David always told me that if you do take action, “things will start to happen.” Despite a little scepticism about the extent to which this would be the case, I was amazed at the opportunities that started to come my way, all because of the actions that came out of our sessions together.
Like with any coaching, it’s what you do after each session that makes the real difference, not the sessions themselves.
I feel I am far better equipped for life and the challenges I will face because of the excellent coaching I received. I’ll be honest and say that without it I would be doing what I had done for so long before: waiting for life to happen to me, rather than being the master of my own destiny.
Martyn Tinsley
Professional Trader and Fund Manager