Monthly Archives: April 2015

Moving from “doer” to “leader”

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A little over a year ago, I was promoted into a newly-created management position that elevated me above several former peers and significantly increased the number of direct reports in my group. In thinking about what I wanted to accomplish in my new role, as well as my longer-term professional goals, I felt it would be helpful to have a partner who could help me define and pursue a clear path for myself going forward.

After David and I began working together, we conducted  feedback surveys. The themes that emerged from the interviews with my coworkers helped me better appreciate my core strengths. They also helped me become aware of a few development opportunities I was ready to tackle. Our early conversations also helped me identify some personal growth objectives, including strategically expanding my network both within and outside the company and achieving a healthier work-life balance.

During my work with David, I began setting and enforcing stronger boundaries around my time and priorities. I also reached out to co-workers in other departments to build stronger relationships that would expand my understanding of the organisation as a whole so I could lead my own department more strategically. Giving my direct reports the latitude to take on greater responsibilities allowed me to expand my focus beyond the day-to-day operations of my group.

As a result, I was able to spend more time on departmental and organisational strategy rather than transactional activities that my employees could easily address and resolve.
After just nine months in that job, I was promoted.  In my new position, I continue to find my work with David valuable. With his assistance and expertise, I am able to hone in on my yearly goals as well as take incremental action to ensure my future goals come to fruition.

Director, compliance, education management

I discovered what would make me happy

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My stress levels were high with a demanding full-time job, two young children, a wife suffering regular bouts of depression and having just moved house.  My confidence was low and my current job didn’t make me feel a success – nor did my role as a father.  I’d lost sight of where I was going in my life.  I realised I was too hard on myself and needed to make career choices that would bring satisfaction and financial security.

In the coaching we looked at what made me feel fulfilled and how I could start to bring this into my work life. I learnt that my expectations of myself were totally unrealistic and just added to my negative feelings.  With David’s help I discovered how to make my expectations of myself more realistic so I could begin to feel a success again.  David helped me tackle my fears so I could overcome my procrastination and start to take some positive steps with my career.

I began to feel much more positive about myself and about my life, because I was doing something to improve things.  My relationships grew stronger, and I got on top of my finances for the first time.  After years of being unhappy in my job, I’d discovered what would make me happy, and gained the confidence to find a new career as a special needs teacher.

I have very much valued working with David – the sessions have been excellent.  I value her combination of kindness and sympathy and straight-forwardness.  I could never have imagined feeling this empowered and this me or making so much progress in so little time.  I gained the confidence to start out on a new path in my life which I am finding scary, challenging and immensely rewarding. I can’t believe what I’ve achieved!

Chris, Teacher

Banishing the grumpy old man

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“I have found coaching with David to be most beneficial. David takes a very flexible approach, which has enabled me to work on achieving a better balance between personal and business needs. I got to understand how my beliefs and values drove the decisions I make in my life without any conscious awareness. I did so many things on autopilot. I found I was getting increasingly frustrated when things didn’t go my way. I like to call this “grumpy old man syndrome”. The results have been fantastic in a relatively short time.

With David’s coaching, I have established a more objective view of myself and what I want from my life as a whole. So far it has proved to be a journey of self-exploration towards becoming more effective and more fulfilled as a business owner and as a leader. I can recommend it to any executive/business owner who is prepared to undertake the sometimes painful process of self-examination in the search for continuous personal improvement.”

Andrew Jordan Accountant Owner of Jordan Ludlow Associates

Staff Coaching

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David came along to coach a team already set up within the organisation whose remit was to promote a positive culture change.

The coaching highlighted how individual concerns and agendas impact on the relationships within the group and its productivity. During the day’s coaching the team focused on taking responsibility for their actions and on helping individuals within the team to recognise and value their diverse strengths and talents. Moving forward, this has helped the team to work more effectively together towards the agreed outcomes. The team was left in a space where they could concentrate on creativity, solutions and taking action.

Dylan Roberts – Chief Officer (ICT) at Leeds City Council

Changing ‘what if’ to ‘bring it on’!

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sad face happy face

It’s so easy to slip into doom and gloom.  Worrying or over-thinking along the lines of “What if I don’t get that job” or “What if I make that presentation” with dreadful predictions of it all going horribly wrong.

It drags us into a negative downward spiral and destructive thought patterns. The things we fear can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  For example, you may fear becoming tongue-tied and coming across as not interesting in your presentation, or not good enough.  Because your mind is set in a fearful way, you set yourself up for failure and your worst predictions can become a reality.  This pushes your negative spiral still further: “I told you I’d not be good enough”, so the chance for success next time becomes even less likely.

40% of sick days are believed to be related to stress

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Why should business owners/leaders consider using a life coach for their employees?

Stress affects businesses by a loss of productivity, increased staff turnover and absenteeism, a number of workplaces in the UK are implementing stress management techniques company-wide to counter it. The UK Health and Safety Executive estimate that 40% of sick days are believed to be related to stress. Life coaching can come in to a businesses to help manage employees stress levels.

Your health is a key factor in your overall happiness and well-being, and shouldn’t be neglected. There are many aspects to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and just as many ways a health coach can help.

No more ‘what if’

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I had a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in late 2013.  I saw some comments David made on an SCA Survivors forum.  Even though I am from New York I contacted David and he agreed to coach me via Skype.  David’s coaching had an instant and profound impact on my life.  Before the coaching, I was making my life smaller and smaller to avoid having another SCA and to prevent a shock from my implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).  I had given up exercise (which before my SCA I loved), I felt unable to return to work and I was constantly anxious about what the future might bring. To be honest I didn’t feel like I had a future. Having completed only 5 sessions with David, I am now back to work, have a regular exercise routine and started a charity to purchase defibrillators for all public areas in New York. David helped me to see the opportunities in life rather than the problems. What a turnaround!

Jennifer Humphrey  Accountant and lover of life

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