Here are the 9 most common ways I see leaders get in their own way

By 17th June 2020 Blog No Comments



Here are the 9 most common ways I see leaders get in their own way:

Perfecting – you hold back from taking action until things are 100% perfect. So you never get to achieve at the level you are truly capable.

Giving – you’re so good at giving to others but you rarely – if ever – accept the help you need to accomplish something bigger.

Performing – you don’t know how to switch off, so you’re exhausted. You want to achieve something extraordinary but you don’t have the energy to achieve at a truly great level.

Emoting – your emotions are your gift but you can get so focused on your own feelings that you feel overwhelmed and don’t take action.

Observing – you’re an expert who spends so much time researching and studying, in service of your big mission, that you never get to really put it out in the world.

Guarding – you’re so good at scanning the horizon for danger that you constantly run on adrenaline. You’re held back by self-doubt and lack of confidence.

Adventuring – you don’t want to say no to any of the amazing options in front of you. You’re spread so thin that you never really make the impact that you’re here for.

Superheroing – you’re so good at solving problems, you unconsciously create new ones, just to solve them.

Peacekeeping – you’re great at solving conflict and you love creating harmony. But you sometimes go along with others’ wishes, or you say “yes” to things you do not really want to do.


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