
Amazing people, Releasing their potential

Monthly Archives: June 2020

3 Hidden Beliefs That Stop You

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3 Hidden Beliefs That Stop You

Underneath the 9 ways you tend to hold yourself back from the highest levels of success are 3 hidden beliefs that stop you:

1. I’m scared…

2. I don’t know what to do…

3. I’m not enough…

1. I’m scared…

You are the descendant of thousands of generations of very fearful people. In fact, any of your ancestors who lacked fear, probably didn’t get to pass their genes on! Healthy fear isn’t a bad thing. It’s designed to keep you safe. But unconscious fear isn’t healthy. There are 3 categories of fear:

(i) People: I’m afraid of what people will say or think of me… If I fail. If I succeed. If I’m more visible. If I speak, write, make videos. If I start and then give up.

(ii) Time/Energy: I’m afraid it will take over my life… I’ll be overwhelmed or exhausted. I won’t be able to follow through.

(iii) Money: I’m afraid I’ll run out of money… I’m afraid I’ll lose all my money. I’m afraid I’ll be homeless. I’m afraid I’ll end up as a bag lady. (Sometimes it’s the flip side of this fear: I’m afraid I’ll make too much money… Then, my family won’t like me any more. Then, I’ll be more successful than my father. Then, I’ll have even more to lose.)

2. I don’t know what to do… 

This looks like a problem of a lack of information, skill, connection or motivation. Actually, it’s just a cover for one of the fears above but let’s break down the 4 types of “I don’t know what to do.”

(i) Information: I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know where to start (I’m overwhelmed by all the options).

(ii) Skills: I don’t know what to do (lack of knowledge, eg. I need better marketing skills or networking skills)

(iii) Connections: I don’t know who to ask. I don’t know the right people. I have difficulty in asking for what I want.

(iv) Motivation: I’m not driven enough. Eg. I have plenty of money, so I don’t need to start yet.

3. I’m not enough… 

A deep fear of most humans is that they’re not enough. This shows up in two common ways:

(i) I don’t believe in myself: I doubt myself/I’m not good enough/Why would they listen to me?

(ii) I’m scared of rejection: I’d rather not ask for what I want than to hear the word, “no!”

Strong Insights

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In a short space of time David helped me get strong insights into my behaviour and more generally what drives the behaviour of other people. The sessions were challenging and thought provoking. David helped me set up some actions to take to transform several areas of my life and be more confident in taking risks and pushing my boundaries.

Natasha Managarova Business Development

Here are the 9 most common ways I see leaders get in their own way

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Here are the 9 most common ways I see leaders get in their own way:

Perfecting – you hold back from taking action until things are 100% perfect. So you never get to achieve at the level you are truly capable.

Giving – you’re so good at giving to others but you rarely – if ever – accept the help you need to accomplish something bigger.

Performing – you don’t know how to switch off, so you’re exhausted. You want to achieve something extraordinary but you don’t have the energy to achieve at a truly great level.

Emoting – your emotions are your gift but you can get so focused on your own feelings that you feel overwhelmed and don’t take action.

Observing – you’re an expert who spends so much time researching and studying, in service of your big mission, that you never get to really put it out in the world.

Guarding – you’re so good at scanning the horizon for danger that you constantly run on adrenaline. You’re held back by self-doubt and lack of confidence.

Adventuring – you don’t want to say no to any of the amazing options in front of you. You’re spread so thin that you never really make the impact that you’re here for.

Superheroing – you’re so good at solving problems, you unconsciously create new ones, just to solve them.

Peacekeeping – you’re great at solving conflict and you love creating harmony. But you sometimes go along with others’ wishes, or you say “yes” to things you do not really want to do.


Do you have a big mission that you’re struggling with?

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Do you have a big mission that you’re struggling with?
Do you have a big goal that’s been on your list for weeks, months or even years?
Are you resentful of people for standing in the way of what you really want to create?

You’re not alone, I can relate to all of these.

The only way through is to turn the mirror back on yourself. You see, there’s a way you unconsciously hold yourself back from success. It’s a pattern you default to again and again. And, if you don’t take time to look at how you’re getting in your own way, you’ll waste all your time judging and blaming others.

Simply contact me via info@certuscoaching for an free expert confidential conversation to explore how #executivecoaching can get you to that next level of #success.

So Much More

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I reached out to David at a time when I was at a loss as to which direction to take my career, feeling somewhat disillusioned with the path I had chosen and seriously lacking purpose. I expected the coaching to be solely focused on shaping a new career path, however, it has been so much more than that! Not only have I gained clarity in my career but my personal relationships are better, I’m happier, calmer, more resilient, and highly motivated to take action in all the areas of my life that I now know are most important to me.

David’s generosity, compassion and determination to help people discover and move towards their dreams is unmatched in anyone I have ever met.

A complete mindset shift and the journey has only just begun. Thank you, David, for the past 6 months plus. Very much looking forward to the next!

Andy Hall-Jones Business owner

I’m in a place I would never have been if it wasn’t for coaching

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After building up a relationship with David over an 18 month period, and talking a lot about coaching but no actions being taken, I decided to give it a go. It’s been just over a year now and reflecting back on that year, I am currently in a place I would never have been unless it was for his coaching. He’s shown me a whole new way of thinking and approaching everyday life from both a business and personal perspective. Not only that but we have developed my leadership skills, and he is continually pushing me out of my comfort zones, its challenging at times, however reflecting back on the process has enabled me to see it was all worth it! I’m very much looking forward to continuing to work with David to see what the future holds.

James Canty, Entrepreneurand Business Leader

For more information Contact me